Clean vs. Dirty Keto
Many people are shocked to learn that Keto diets aren’t always healthy. There are different types of Keto diets, often called either “clean” or “dirty.” One fortifies the body with essential nutrients—the other, well, not so much. Let’s get into the nitty gritty of what both terms mean and which Keto diet is right for you.
An introduction to “dirty” Keto
“Dirty” Keto refers to a Keto diet that primarily consists of prepackaged and processed foods. Followers of dirty Keto focus solely on satisfying the macronutrient requirements of the Keto Diet, rather than on the quality or nutritional content of food.
A diet is technically considered Keto when it contains about 80% fat, 15% protein and 5% carbs. As long as the food falls within those parameters, they’re allowed to eat it. Some examples of dirty Keto foods include:
- Fast food burgers and beef jerky
- Diet soda and coffee with artificial sweeteners
- Prepackaged snacks with “Keto” on the label
It’s still possible to achieve weight loss goals on a dirty Keto diet. However, such foods lack the essential vitamins and minerals found in whole foods. Dirty Keto can help you lose weight fast, but the resulting nutritional deficiencies should make dieters question whether it’s worth indulging in all that delicious, fatty goodness.
A closer look at “clean” Keto
“Clean” Keto is the complete opposite. Not only does clean Keto adhere to the fat, protein and carb requirements, but followers of this diet focus on fruits and vegetables, lean animal meat and ethically sourced foods. Clean Keto doesn’t just yield weight loss results—it also prioritizes wellness in every part of the body. Here are some foods associated with clean Keto:
- Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables
- Grass-fed beef and wild caught fish
- Nuts, seeds and olive oil
People should choose clean Keto if they want to lead an overall healthier lifestyle. The only drawback to clean Keto is it takes time to prepare home cooked meals from scratch. The time-consuming aspect of clean Keto is what draws many dieters to dirty Keto. Clean Keto requires discipline and the ability to say no to more convenient options.
Keto is all about making conscious choices
Whether you’re on the clean or dirty Keto path, you’ll have to pay closer attention to what you eat from here on out. Dieters must watch their protein intake and count the carbs hiding in popular foods. If a food is high in carbs, it’s not Keto.
The heightened attention to what’s going in your body might also make you more aware of all the artificial preservatives and saturated fats associated with dirty Keto. It’s no wonder that clean Keto is known as the “traditional” Keto Diet.
Clean Keto is all about giving your body essential nutrients while maintaining a healthy weight. If you’re determined to eat the right foods, you might as well make them clean.
Make the decision to eat clean
The choice is obvious—clean Keto will help you lose weight and promote overall wellness. Dirty Keto might be convenient, but that’s nothing compared to the health benefits you’ll enjoy from the much cleaner version. Clean Keto tastes just as good and makes you feel even better.
Reserve your spot for our next keto challenge!